Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 451

Chapter 451


Chapter 451: Calling Big Yellow


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ah Zhuangs mother, upon hearing her sons words, quickly pulled her daughter-in-law forward to help plead their case. Mr. Su, she began, Our Ah Zhuang is not a fool. Aunt Yang is getting on in years, and for people our age, failing eyesight is inevitable. She must have mistaken someone else for him. My son came home late last night, but once he returned, he didnt go out again.

As Ah Zhuangs mother spoke her final words, a blush crept up her ears, her gaze darting upward as if struggling to recall something, her tone wavering slightly.

Perhaps sensing her argument lacked conviction, she quickly nudged her daughter-in-law, signaling for her to speak. The young womans behavior was even more peculiar.

Ah Zhuangs wife glanced at her husband, her face flushing a deep red. As her gaze shifted away from him and met Gu Zis eyes, she quickly averted her gaze, turning to the village chief. Her voice shook slightly as she began, My mother and I can vouch for him.

Village Chief Su Ming, perhaps sensing something amiss, quickly pressed her for more information. Be clear, he demanded, What exactly can you vouch for?

Ah Zhuangs wifes lips trembled, her voice barely above a whisper, We can confirm that Ah Zhuang was at home no, that he was at home after he came back from drinking. With that, she retreated, hiding behind Ah Zhuang and his mother.

Su Ming turned to Su Shen, their eyes meeting for a few seconds before he addressed Aunt Yang. Aunt Yang, he began, Please try to recall the details of last night. Can you be certain that it was Ah Zhuang?

Throughout this, Aunt Yang had been standing with Mother Lin, their hands clasped together in a silent show of support.

Aunt Yang didnt dare to look at Ah Zhuang, but she could feel the support of her good friend, which gave her courage. Brother Su, she said, When I was the womens director, I went from house to house to check on people, even in the darkest of nights, I dared to traverse the mountains and forests, all because I had good eyesight. You all used to praise my sharp eyes.

So, I am certain that I did not mistake him. It was Ah Zhuang. You can trust my eyes.

Su Ming nodded, a hint of melancholy in his eyes. Things change, people change. The once vibrant and capable Sister Yang was now in such a state, being stepped on and bullied.

Su Ming said, I understand that, but now youre saying you didnt mistake him, and Ah Zhuang has an alibi. This is a difficult situation to resolve.

Ah Zhuang was still feeling uneasy due to the hesitation he had noticed in his mother and wife earlier. However, he reassured himself that although his wife was now aware of his deeds, she would not dare to speak out without his command.

As for his mother, her willingness to provide him with a false alibi was born out of fear of him getting into unrelated trouble. She was still oblivious to the truth, so he wasnt worried about her saying anything either.

Ah Zhuang was now fairly certain that these people had no evidence to prove his guilt. He felt a sense of relief and turned to Su Ming and Su Shen, pleading loudly, I am truly innocent. I havent done anything. Please, clear my name.

He was unaware of how evident the cunning glint in his eyes was.

Su Shens eyes were icy cold, revealing no hint of his thoughts. He withdrew his gaze and turned to his wife beside him, speaking slowly, Gu Zi, didnt you say you had a good plan?

Gu Zi nodded, a smile playing on her lips as she approached Aunt Yang. I do have quite a few ideas, she said. Aunt Yang, can you recall if the culprit left anything behind last night? It doesnt necessarily have to be an object. Any detail you can remember about the culprit would be helpful.

Aunt Yang looked puzzled. Hadnt she already been asked this question on the way to the village office?

Nevertheless, she answered truthfully, When the man left last night, I heard him vomiting. When I went out, I saw him leaning against the tree stump at my front door, retching. Does vomit count? I didnt clean it up.

Ah Zhuang felt a sense of foreboding at her words, his lips drooping slightly. But what could a pool of vomit prove? It was ridiculous!

Then he heard Gu Zi say, That makes things easier. Even if you had cleaned it up, the smell wouldnt have dissipated so quickly. Village Chief, could you please broadcast a call for Big Yellow? Theres no need for further debate on this matter.

Su Ming was puzzled. He knew that Su Shens family had a Tibetan Mastiff, Big Yellow, who was particularly fierce. He was somewhat afraid of it, so he naturally asked, What can bringing the Tibetan Mastiff do? Could you please explain, Mrs. Su? He was too embarrassed to admit that Big Yellows strange barking frightened him.

